Saturday, February 27, 2010

Never Too Late to Have a Merry Christmas!!!

Surprise! I got a call Wednesday of last week asking for help in transporting boxes of Samaritan Purse boxes to our Fonteyn CarePoint. The Catholic church in Mbabane had gotten a delivery and was making arrangements to pass them out to all the children in the local government schools and preschools. I stuffed my bakki "bah-key" (truck) full of large boxes of gift boxes and made 4 trips back and forth to the CarePoint. Fonteyn school children walked the 2 kilometers and picked their boxes up at our CarePoint and Mangwaneni "Mahn-gwah-nay-nee" CarePoint walked our preschool children to the Mangwaneni Primary School for their boxes. It was so much fun!!!

For the older children a booklet about Jesus also accompanied their box.
Most of the boxes we left sealed so all the contents would get home safely. But as you can see we opened a few of them. Even though it is summer here now, the children and adults were thrilled to find warm caps and gloves and scarves in the boxes for the children. In a few months it will be chilly enough that these will help keep the kids from catching colds. Also crayons, pencils, toothbrushes and washcloths are great and needed items. And the toys and sweets are fun. Thanks to all who help fill these boxes!!!! They are such a blessing!!!


Unknown said...

Nice blog on Christmas. May your world be filled with good cheer and happy spirits.

~kristi said...

Merry Christmas!! Is that Nokwanda in line getting a gift? Love you!!

Sandra said...

Kristi, No it is another young lady, Jabu. Nokwanda was there though and did receive a box. Stay well friend.