Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Memories

As I look back at my Christmas' past I remember fondly of the trees, the stockings, special gifts, traveling to relatives, family Christmas Eve bingo ( a Sparks family tradition), grandmother's home made rolls & fried okra, talent shows (a Chesterman family tradition), and birthday parties for Jesus. What do you fondly remember?
My more recent Christmases have changed. Being on the other side of the ocean and away from family, winter snow, commercials and sales my holiday focus has changed and I am grateful to God for it. I don't want to diminish Christmas traditions or family gatherings, I do cherish them but I also love that here my life and Christmas has become much more basic. My focus can now be more centered on our Savior and His birth. He left glory; heavenly hosts singing holy, holy holy to come to earth. To a simple, stinking stable with no red carpet or royal greeting. To save those whom would never fully understand Him. Those that would not recognize His glory but persecute and eventually crucify Him. And He loved us so much, He loved me so, much that even if it was just me He would have still done it. Unfathomable!

 As "Christmas Day" has now passed, I remember the truth we shared with the children at the parties. 

You can trust God matter who you are, where you are or what your circumstances!

I can celebrate the joy of your Savior even without a Christmas tree or presents or family or snow! I wish you a belated Merry Christmas and may you relish the reason for the season, Christ our Lord and Savior, and trust Him and His daily presence in your life!!!!
Note for those that have visited Swaziland before: The pictures above come from the parties at Mangwaneni, Mbekelweni, Mayenjane, Section 19 and two new sites in South Africa-Badplaas and Mahushu.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Taking the Wheel

A lot of things are happening in my life since I was in the states. God continues to grow and stretch me. Over the years submission has been a key area of needed growth. I like to be in control but that is not always how God sets things up. The visual illustration God has given me on submission is that I am the passenger in a car. I am not the driver.

As long as the car is going where I want to go and is taking the route I would take, no problem. I can be submissive. Actually the definition of submission is "To yield or surrender (oneself) to the will or authority of another." So when you are in agreement with the direction of things there is nothing to yield so I really was not needing to be submissive. But what about when I feel we are going the wrong direction or worse yet, going to be in an accident? I would take the wheel and get us back on course. . . . . my course.

What God has taught me is that it is not a matter of control as much as it is a matter of trust. If God's plan is to put someone over me, then do I trust His plan. Do I trust that He watches over me even if we take a wrong turn? Do I trust that maybe it is not about me, maybe He is growing and stretching the driver and when I reach over and take the wheel I prevent that growth? I think that is what happened in my marriage. Do I trust God even if His plan means we do have the accident? Maybe I will grow going through it, or maybe I'm to minister to someone else during it or maybe I will never understand it. But I am learning to trust God and His plan even when I don't get to do the driving! Does that mean I need to be a silent passenger? No way, communication is key! But it does mean that I can still trust that God has my back when I am under the leadership He has put in charge. When I am obedient to what God tells me to do (which occasionally might be to grab the wheel--but only occasionally) and to trust Him that He will ALWAYS be there with me!

Where is God leading you? Is the road leading you to places you never expected? Do you trust Him? 
God has done some remarkable things in and through me the last 5 years when He led me to Swaziland. Now as the road curves slightly and He directs the path of Children's Cup to take me to South Africa, I go trusting that He has even more amazing things on the journey!!!!