Sunday, April 4, 2010


A week ago Friday, our bible clubs did a serve day for their communities. I had the honor to join the Fonteyn CarePoint on their outreach to a 90 year old gogo (grandmother). She was not sure how to handle 55 children coming to serve her and allowed us only to help outside of her home.
The children brought firewood as they walked the 20 minutes through the paths from the CarePoint to her homestead. They took turns with the slashers to cut the tall grass and carry the cut grass and trash away. My heart swelled as the children sang songs in Siswati of God's love. Before we left we all bowed our heads as teacher Portia led the kids in praying for the gogo. It was hot and sweaty day and the walk back was all uphill but I wouldn't trade the opportunity for anything. I have the best job in the world!!! Thank you for letting me be God's hands and feet here.


~kristi said...

thanks for sharing! I recognize a beautiful girl in a new uniform serving too! Please let her know we are so proud of her and pray for her!

Sandra said...

Knew you would like to see her. Actually, the photo is at a distance but if you look @ the length, it is her old uniform she wore that day. She is a smart girl and I'm sure didn't want to ruin her new one. Be blessed and thank you for your comments. I will let her know. :)

Bethany said...

This sounds so AWESOME!!! I wish I could have seen it, but at least I have you to write about it. : ) Thanks