Sunday, November 21, 2010


November 19th 2007, I began my journey with Children's Cup along with fellow missionaries Randy and Karen Brennan and Mark and Kay Bojovic.
I still have trouble believing that God called me to be a missioanary in Africa!!!!
(I do not fit what I thought a missionary should be!!)
I am so blessed!!! I have grown so much in my relationship with God!! I would not trade it for anything!!!!!!!!!!!
I might have made what some would call sacrifices to be here, but I feel I am living more abundantly than I ever have before!! I feel God has stripped away so many of the distractions and revealed more of His love and power and grace and joy than I had ever taken time to notice!!!
God has blessed me with so many children to love on and to be loved by, relationships to pour into and be fed by and friendships that hold me up when I am weak, love on me when I mess up, make me laugh, give me hugs and above all else, hold me accountable that my walk may be consistent and able to molded more to Christ's image each day!
My advice, when God calls you to do something (probably not be a missionary in Africa but I'm sure He has asked you to do something) obey immediately!!! You will not regret it!!!
Enjoy a few pictures from when my journey began on my first trip here to just last week at graduation!!! Oooh and ahhh and have a laugh or a sigh!!
I could not do this day in and day out without His grace but also not without the prayers and love and financial support from my family and friends and church back in the states!!!
Siyabonga kakhulu kahle!!! "See-yah-bone-gah gah-koo-loo gah-sleigh" which means
Thank you very much!!!
You are all invited for a visit, I guarantee your hearts will never be the same!!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Sandy! We are all so proud and humbled by the work you do for all the children and their families. You are truly God's servant. Love you!

Tina Cooley said...

You are Beautiful my sweet sister. You have blessed me.