Monday, October 17, 2011


Teams come through Children's Cup all the time. I don't often get to host one but enjoy the change of pace when I do. It is fun to get to show others about the ministry in Swaziland and see it through fresh eyes. This team was "the same . . . just different". This team inspired me to serve better; to love deeper; to relinquish self for the greater purpose and to just not flinch, whine or grumble about being God's hands and feet. This team was awesome!! They never sought out anything special for themselves (20 of the same lunch, every day and even if it was a repeat of a prior meal no complaints), they left every place they went cleaner than they found it (I was afraid Janelle would get out and pick up after the lions!) and they loved on children and bonded faster than I have ever seen (they forgot about taking pictures and just gave up their hearts openly).I'm not sure how God was working in each of them, but I know He was and I know He changed me through them. Just want to share a few of the pictures of this inspiring team and challenge you to be open to let the same thing be different in your life today. Let God use the familiar to grow you deeper into the unfamiliar. Step out in faith with unabandonment to trust and love and give of yourself even when you don't see or understand the significance of what you are doing. God will bless you for it and bless others in the process. As the team's shirt says "Be. Go. Love." Thank you team!!

You can go to to see more pictures of this servant hearted, full of laughter, quirky, loving and beautiful team!!

1 comment:

Andrea Perkins said...

Miss you Make Sandra!