Saturday, April 21, 2012

Bubbling Over

We all have seasons in life and ministry that are intense. This is one of those times for me. Ministry wise, my schedule (and my team's) is full right now with getting individual pictures of ALL the 2600+ Mission of Mercy sponsored children. It is a delightful but a daunting task especially alongside of continuing to do all the little things I need to do in the office, to keep others updated and to get ready for a trip back to the states, (schedules and making sure everything is covered here). It is just a season and I wasn’t worried about it. But on top of that season, my dear friend and “boss” was hit with medical emergencies that for a while seemed like the list kept getting longer and longer rather than just “here is the problem let’s fix it and get well”.

He is recovering now but it has been long and it is projected to be a very long road to full recovery. He is far away and though Char is by his side and so many of us visit often, the mental, spiritual and physical battle he must face is hard to see him go through. It is not taking on his work load that has been intense (we share that so none of us bare it alone), it is seeing someone you and sooooo many others care about struggle and you feel so helpless.

In addition a young child from our church passed away yesterday morning. I don’t understand! I cry out WHY God???? But then…. God reminds me that He IS!!!!

This was one of those encounters when I have a time with God and come away just bubbling over!! No rushing, no real agenda except to spend time with my heavenly Father. Was challenged last Sunday to be obsessed with the desire to know God more and been wrestling with how that looks and what God wants from me . . . go in isolation with Him? He said no, there are times for that but not now now. Fast and pray fervently for those on my prayer list? Again, I got a not now now, there are other times when I will ask that of you. "Let my bible be my GPS" was the opening last Sunday. One question that was also mentioned was “am I willing to be possibly wrong?” (I extend that to am I willing to not have all the answers?) Since Sunday God has been saying all week to focus on Him, not the circumstances. This week, that has been hard to do (sometimes I was able to do it but at other times I let frustration take over). It was so good to see Mitch yesterday for a few minutes but difficult to not look at how frail and weak he is and focus on God instead of the situation. None of the circumstances have miraculously changed this morning but God has shown me more of Him and I am renewed and more obsessed with getting to know the Creator better and better!!!

“So we don’t look at the troubles we can see right now; rather, we look forward to what we have not yet seen. For the troubles we see will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever.” 2 Corinthians 3:18 NLT

Going to start bubbling over here… more for me to process but I hope you are encouraged and blessed like I was. In my Beth Moore study she was talking about David and the battles to regain his throne in 2 Samuel 21. “Satan is the counterfeit god of perfect timing. He’s waiting for just the right moment to pull the rug out from under us, but even that rug is under God’s feet. (This was so good for me!) And He always has victory in mind. He will NEVER allow Satan to discourage you without a plan to lead you to victory.” We have the choice to follow God’s plan or not but Christ is ALWAYS there to lead us to victory. “One of the most important truths we can apply from David’s ongoing battles with the Philistines is that God will always lead us to victory, but He will lead us His way." I would love to do it my way but my way might not lead to someone else’s (or my) victory. I don’t have to know the “whys” as much as I want to; I just have to continually trust the One who does. I might not like the process but I trust the One who is allowing it. God brought to mind this week about the hatching of a chick. If as the chick is pecking it’s way out, you break the shell for him, he will usually be too weak to survive. He needs the process to make him strong and able to live to his fullest. Obsession = pecking away at the shell. And the outcome is having the strength to live a life in all the fullness.

“God forgive me for questioning You, but thank you that You always allow me to do just that and for strengthen my journey because of it. Amen."

“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him.” 2 Corinthians 2:14

God is getting me so excited about my trip to the states! I want to share about what God is doing in me and in Swaziland and be able to hear what He is doing in you!! I will be in Oklahoma, Georgia and Missouri during June and July! (I will also detour through Baton Rouge.) If you would like to host a dinner of your friends to hear about the ministry or if you have a church or organization you know that would like me to share and challenge us all to trust and obey, please message me on FaceBook or at Our God is AMAZING in whatever season we are in!!! Thank you for reading my blog and for letting me share my journey with you!!!

(P.S. I promise my next blog will be full of fun pictures of the active pictures of some of the children we are shooting for Mission of Mercy, not just my thoughts.)


Angie said...

Sandra, I just want to say how your blog blessed me this morning! It seems ironic to have to read about your "bubbling over" through my tears but those tears just tell me how my heart is being touched! Thank you for being YOU! You reflect our Savior in your smile and in your love for those children over there! I'm so glad you are a part of Children's Cup ministry!! It's amazing the awesome people God has sent over there to be His feet, His smile, His arms of love! Would love to meet you when you come over to the states but maybe someday... said...

Hey girl.. who was the child who died at church? Talk to you soon Diane