Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Recap of My Journey Back to the States

Sorry for the lack of updates. It is amazing how out of sync you get when you go across the ocean and back. It was fantastic getting to visit family and friends but when you don’t have your computer and your routine, it is hard to post or send out newsletters. And then, when you come back you think everything will flow easily back into place but it doesn’t. So, I am doing this blog to try to get back in the swing of things and hope to do several back to back to bring you up to date.
First let me recap my trip to the states. I got my needed medical checkups that are not done in Swaziland for a female of my age. I have a clean bill of health. I will post no pictures of these weeks of my trip but will suffice to say thank you to the organizations which help provide screenings for those of us without American insurance. There was such a heart of caring and compassion! They marveled that I was a missionary as I marveled at their generosity and willingness to serve those in their community who were in need.
The second aspect of my trip was seeing family. I even got in a little sightseeing!
including seeing my childhood homes…
Took some family photos!
And even got in some planking??? Way to go mom!!
The other aspect of my trip was traveling over  4,000 kilometers (2500 miles) and visiting churches and friends who support me (financially and with their prayers) or ones who were interested in hearing about the ministry of Children’s Cup. Unfortunately, I did not always remember to bring my camera so forgive me for those I saw but took no pictures! Thank you to all who loved on me, listened to me and for those who gave me a warm and friendly place to stay!
If anyone else took pictures of us together while I was visiting, please send me a copy!
I just want to say that I had a blast!!! I loved having blueberries and salmon and cruise control and Taco Bell and coupons and garage sales and taking walks without worries and seeing cardinals and bunny rabbits and ducks!
There are a lot of things that I might do without when I’m in Swaziland but it was fun to have dishwashers, disposals, massage chairs for a pedicure and a chiropractor (Tony you are my favorite cousin) while I was there. 
You all made it special!!!! 
Thank you!!!!
And although I loved my trip back to the states , my next post will show you some of the reasons I love being in Swaziland!!!!! Stay tuned . . . . .

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