Monday, May 20, 2013

Romans 8:35 & 37

This is a deviation to the journey blog I started the other day. I felt compelled tonight to share my journal entry from just about an hour ago; something I don't think I have ever done. I pray that it is for someone who is feeling overwhelmed and in their own cocoon. I also figure that if I don't do it now now, that I will reason my way out of it and fail to be obedient. It may not speak to you but please, as always, bear with me.
Earlier today, it now being close to midnight, I was hit with the most sudden and crippling migraine I have ever had! Gratefully, my migraines have never lasted more than 24 hours (I so feel for those that  have them that last for days). This one has held true in that regard but I have never had one that has been so violent and painful and scary! I am thankful that through it all I knew Char had my back and I was physically not alone. As the pain subsides, I finally was able to sit with my Lord and was led to Romans chapter 8. The following verses (35& 37) spoke to me and I share what I wrote afterwards. Be aware that this is not shared to gain sympathy or compassion but because I think the Lord has someone who needs to hear that He is there in the midst of it.

"'Can anything ever separate us from Christ's love? Does it mean He no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or are hungry or cold or in danger or threatened with death?....No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us."
Lord, I have never had a migraine hit so fast & so hard. Thank you that it is dissipating. It has a way of making you feel all alone. Making me feel vulnerable and out of control. Even with others around to help, pain isolates me. It traps me in my own cocoon. I can't even feel You! I can only focus on breathing in & out. Draw me close as the pain subsides. Comfort me and hold me and whisper that even when I don't feel You, you are always there. Thank you!"

Even now as I type this, I know my experience was so short a timespan and that so many deal with chronic pain, or calamity or hunger or cold. I think of my friends who I know suffer so much more than I have. I think of the children and families and pastors we work with who are hungry and cold night after night, day after day. I am humbled by my journal entry and now pray for them to feel you even through their cocoon! May each of us realize how blessed we are to have You in our lives Lord, no matter what is happening! And may anyone who reads this but doesn't know You personally, ask You to reveal Yourself to them and to sincerly ask You into their life! I know You will hear and respond in grace, mercy and love! Amen!

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