Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Faith Like Potatoes

I want to thank everyone for their prayers and words of comfort before, during and after my dad's passing. It was such a blessing to hear how my dad had influenced and impacted so many lives. I thank everyone for sharing with me. I also want to publically thank all those who gave to my mission work through Oasis Compassion in memory of my dad. I am touched and honored.

I have neglected my blog in all this but will probably type a lengthy one today because my devotional so excited me. Tomorrow or so I will post pictures of my shorter hair and tell you how America is the same but different from Swaziland. :)

There is a movie made in South Africa, "Faith Like Potatoes" that all us missionaries have seen but have been unable to bring back to the states because South African DVDs don't play on American DVD players. I was so excited when I arrived in the states to see a sign at WalMart and then on a RedBox rental that said "Faith Like Potatoes" was arriving April 7th!!! All those reading this in the US should go rent it and watch it ASAP (and the Zulu you will hear in it is a lot like Siswati).
I was impacted when I saw this movie of a farmer who came to know the Lord and just simply took God at His word. How simple but for one who grew up in church and "knows it" so well, I often forget to put it in practice. Anyway, Angus Buchan (the farmer) has a devotional that I gave out to my coworkers and family that is just straight forward and challenging in it's simplicity in doing what the Word says. Today's excited me and challanged me and I just want to share it.

"Continuous Rivival" (April 8th)
"'Therefore. . . work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;' Plilippians 2:12
(my other translation says 'put into action God's saving work in your lives, obeying God with deep revernce and fear.')
To serve the Lord Jesus Christ is not just a 'one off' emotional event. We must be 'born again,' as the Bible clearly says in John 3:7, but thereafter we have to walk in obedience to our Lord and Saviour. Jesus said, 'But why do you call me Lord, Lord, and do not do the things which I say?' (Luke 6:46).
John Wesley, a mighty man of God, turned the British Isles upside down for Christ when he had an experience with the Lord at a little Bible study in Aldersgate, London. when he was in his late 80s, someone asked him what the biggest obstacle was in his walk of faith. He responded, 'The lust of the flesh.' This godly man continued throughout his life to wrestle with areas that were still troubling him, as we all do. He was working out his salvation with fear and trembling.
What about us? I always feel sad when I hear Christians talking about a revival that took place twenty or thirty years ago, or about some supernatural happening in the mid 1950s. Our faith must be relevant to our generation. (I love this line!!!)
When I was a young man and about to preach my first sermon, the elders of my little church laid their hands on me and began to pray. One of them, a man in his 60s, said to me, 'Well, son, get in there and preach the gospel. I've done my bit.' I couldn't understand what he meant and I still don't. We never stop walking by faith, living by faith, sharing the gospel by faith and being open and ready for testing in our lives.
Work out that which God has worked in you -- through prayer, supplication and repentance -- and then press on to take the world for Jesus.
We should never stop striving to be all God wants us to be. There are such blessings we so often miss out on because we stop walking by faith (doing things we don't see or understand because God tells us to) and truely living out our faith. May the Lord bless us today and challenge each of us, me included, to step out in faith today. (You will have to watch the movie though to understand 'faith like potatoes')

1 comment:

ashpuck said...

I plan on getting the movie tomorrow! I'll let you know what I think. It's been so good seeing you around The OC again. I'm also thankful that we got to catch up with each other.