Sunday, April 26, 2009

Live @ the OC

Since being in the states I have seen family and friends from St. Louis, MO to Tulsa, OK to Loganville, GA and now Clarksburg, MO. I have enjoyed Dr. Pepper and free fountain refills (not found in Swaziland). I have stayed on the right side of the road while driving although I drove my mom's manual yesterday and kept hitting my left hand on the door when I needed to shift (in Swaziland the stick is on your left because the steering wheel is on the right side of the car--think about it). I think I'll stick with the automatic. Only had one moment of almost breaking down since returning to the states. It was when I went grocery shopping and couldn't decide which salad dressing to buy (more choices here than in Swaziland). Sometimes I miss the fewer choices. I'm enjoying watching my reality shows, Amazing Race, Survivor and Bigger Loser (although I've gained 10 pounds since arriving) but I realize I'm reading, crocheting and being less creative with my time.

I have enjoyed sharing my passion, my kids in Swaziland! I've become very possessive just like a teacher with their class or a principal with their school and I am excited to see them grow. It is exciting to share how through people's support here, lives are changing half way around the world.
On Wednesday night, April 29th @ 7 pm at the Oasis Church in Loganville, GA on Hwy 81 I will be showing a video and sharing about what has happened over the last 1 1/2 years since I left for Swaziland. If you live in Georgia I pray that you come. On Sunday, May 3rd there will be a miracle offering which includes the funding to continue support for the CarePoints. I feel it is important for everyone to see what their previous steps of faith have been able to accomplish as they pray about what God has called them to contribute towards the coming year. The Oasis Church is the only church that has stepped up to fully fund a CarePoint and they support 2!!! I am proud of the impact they have made and excited to share the faces and stories of the lives they have touched. If you can, COME!
If you can't come, sign up as a follower and comment on this blog with any questions you might have about Swaziland or the children I work with.


ashpuck said...

You did a great job tonight! I really enjoyed your presentation. I love seeing the sweet faces of Swaziland and hearing how God is working in their lives.

Amber Hurdle said...

I wish I could have been there. Geoff said you did an awesome job. I was wondering what your breakdown would be over. I am not surprised it was salad dressing, but am glad that was it! I know this has to be a rewarding, yet difficult time on so many levels for you. You've been in my prayers, Make!