Monday, August 8, 2011

When it all works together!!!

The last few weeks has been busy and exciting to see how all the different parts of Children's Cup work together to make a difference in the lives of children at all our CarePoints.
It just so happens that at the CarePoint I oversee, Mangwaneni, had several exciting things happen in the last month on different levels and I just wanted to share.
Mangwaneni, like all the Mission of Mercy affiliated CarePoints was also blessed with a
seesaw to go with their swingsets and slide. The kids are loving it!!!!

Healing Place Church, Swaziland (HPC) in working with Cup's after school program, started a
homework club to help play educational games and other activities to increase their academic skills. The photo was the introduction day and we had several children dance for us.
And then, it was Mangawneni's turn to have their youth lock in. A full night from sunset to sunrise of games, testimonies, teaching, food and just fun. The discipleship team provided security guard to make sure they all had a safe night. I got to help with frying potatoes (french fries from scratch) in a big kettle on an open fire which the kids had with russians (polish sausage like hot dogs) and bread. We also popped popcorn afterwards in the big kettle. Some of the games were musical chairs and a dance competition. I am thankful for the discipleship staff of Cup and the HPC voluteers for making it through the whole night and pouring into the youth. Between my non fluency of the Siswati language and my age, I made it only to midnight but know it was a night of impact on the youth of Mangwaneni.

I just want to say that it takes a team to change lives. There are those that support missionaries like me individually as well as all the other Cup missionaries and those who support the ministry of Cup in general or in specifics like the playground equipment. There are those who work through the local church to be the hands and feet of Christ as they volunteer their time and talents. There are those who might be "staff" but who pour their hearts into loving and sharing and caring for these children of God. God uses us all as we are obedient to sacrifice our wills for His. Healing is taking place and lives are changing as we touch the hearts of kids across Swaziland with the love of God. Is everything easy? Not at all!!! But we do not walk alone!!! He never will leave or forsake us!!! I am so amazed that I am a part of such a Christ driven team of amazing people!!!!
P.S. Sunset from Mangwaneni CarePoint
and the late night view.

1 comment:

Chelsea G. said...

Gotta love it! I love seeing different pieces connect for an awesome outcome. It's like God planned it that way ;)