Tuesday, November 8, 2011

God Might Call Me to Africa!

Isn't it everyone's fear? . . . if I am open and fully submitted to God then He might send me to Africa!!!!
It is funny that I never thought that. I never thought I was missionary
material. I'm not an evangelist per say. I am not a nurse or a teacher. I don't have a discipleship gifting to lead bible studies for adults or children. I am compassionate but in no way am a "bleeding heart" or have the gift of mercy. My gifting is administrative. So it was never on my radar that at 47 being a divorced mom of two adult young men, that God could or would even thing of calling this geographically challenged woman to a place she had never heard of. . . Swaziland Africa.
It all started when my pastor came back from an orphanage in India. God started stirring in me the thought that maybe I could minister to kids outside the US. I guess you would say, God gave me a more global view of my life! I started thinking He might want to us me outside my little world. Then my pastor came back from Swaziland, Africa and shared about the ministry going on through Children's Cup. It sounded like they were doing a great thing.
And then . . . the still small voice came:
"I want you to go to Africa!"
I replied "Great Lord, I would love to go on another mission trip!" (years before I had gone with another church to Honduras, the only other country I have ever flown to)
"No, I want you to go and be a missionary in Africa!"
"Okay Lord, I will go on a mission trip and then we can talk about it."
Now mind you this conversation was over a period of days, not just a 5 minute talk. It was a conversation that repeated itself many times in my quiet times with God.
God finally said "No! If I say it is okay to go, then it is okay!!! You do not need to visit first. I will be with you!"
And at that point I said "Okay. I don't know how or why but okay."
This is the most out of character thing I could do. Complete surrender. I cannot tell you the peace I felt. I had no clue about what I would be doing there (turns out they needed administration on the African side of the world) or how I would be able to afford it. (I was raised Southern Baptist where they have a mission agency that covers everything). I did not know anything about the culture. I was a blank slate. (I did find it on the map and also found out that South Africa was an actual country, not the southern part of Africa!)
Was I called to Africa because I was so yielded and open to God? I don't think so. I think I was stubborn and comfortable in my regular pattern of life. I think He called me to Africa and I chose to be obedient. I had a lot (and still do) of growing to do. But when I was called to Africa, for the first time I listened to Him and not to the other voices:
"You don't know what you are getting into!"; "Who are you to be doing that!"; "You can't make it!" "You aren't capable of that!" "How can you do that?" "You are just one person!" "You are not anyone special!" "You aren't spiritual enough!"
All I remember is God saying that if He said it was okay to go, then it was okay! And it has been!
I have never regretted coming to Swaziland. In fact I considered myself so blessed to be able to serve here. Over the last couple of months, God has confirmed that He has called me to Swaziland, His grace and peace for me is here; not Zimbabwe, not Mozambique and not even in the United States anymore. At least for now. God might call me to go somewhere else down the road and hopefully I will continue to be obedient but' He hasn't yet.
Even in the light of my financial situation being cut to half of what I need to live and serve here come January, I am convinced I am supposed to be here. If I have learned anything in the 4 years I have been here, it is that God is faithful. If He says it will be okay, it WILL be okay. You don't have to fear God's plan for you! If you ignore His voice you just miss out on the many blessings beyond what you could imagine. Don't say "What? No way!" Just say YES!!! (or in Swaziland it is YEBO!)
If God is laying on your heart to help support me in 2012, please email me sandra@childrenscup.org or go to the childrenscup.org website and click on donate. If you are a member of the Oasis church, please continue to support me through designated offerings to the church. My prayer though, is that everyone who reads my blog will be open and yielded to God to say YES to whatever He is calling you to do. You won't regret it! Whether it is raking the neighbors leaves or visiting a nursing home or taking in someone who is in need, don't be afraid! The enemy makes it look bigger and more overwhelming than it really is. Work with the homeless, widows, refugees, single moms or where ever God calls you. (Don.t worry, it probably won't be Africa!) May you richly enjoy the blessings God has bestowed on you!! May you jump for joy for every new blessing you discover as you walk in obedience! I know I am!

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