Friday, September 7, 2012

I Don't Belong On A Pedestal!

Worked on the holiday Monday so getting to enjoy a Friday off. It is cold and rainy and the electricity was off most of the morning. Electricity is back on and having a hot cup of tea now. After having a little pitty party first thing, I had a nice quiet morning of sorting through things and reading. I want to share some food for thought from Max Lucado. He's discussing the story about Mary and Martha. He's talking about Martha. We know it all too well. We know the personalities (I am definitely a Martha.) But I found the insight of how the enemy uses our ministry to turn our eyes from Jesus very thought provoking and so true. How often do we give credit to others of what should go to God? As you read this, realize I should not be on a pedestal and neither should you. Our work should point others to God not ourselves!
"As she began to work for Him, her work became more important than her Lord. What began as a way to serve Jesus, slowly and subtly became a way to serve self.....
I know what it's like to set out to serve God and end up serving self. I've labored long and hard over sermons only to have my feelings hurt if the aren't complimented. I've pushed myself deeply into a manuscript only to catch myself daydreaming about the postpublication compliments. I've spoken to conference audiences about the sufferings of Christ and then gotten frustrated that the hotel room wasn't ready...
Satan knows that. This tool of distortion is one of Satan's slyest. Note: He didn't take Martha out of the kitchen; he took away her purpose in the kitchen. The adversary won't turn you against the church; he will turn you toward yourself in the church. He won't take you away from you ministry; he'll disillusion you in your ministry.....
 By the way, this story could easily have been reversed. Mary could have been the one to get angry. The sister on the floor could have resented the sister at the sink. Mary could have grabbed Jesus and dragged him into the kitchen and said, 'Tell Martha to quit being so productive and to get reflective. Why do I have to do all the thinking and praying around here?'
What matters more than the type of service is the heart behind the service. A bad attitude spoils the gift we leave on the altar for God."
May my ministry only reflect Him more, not me. When you see me, I pray that you see so much of God that you forget I am there! That is my goal. That is my heart. I fail often, just like Max was saying. I can get caught up in the praise, the hugs, the spotlight all too often. But that is not what it is all about.
God, guard my heart against desiring the praise and attention. May my service be sincere and for you alone!

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