Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Blessed Trip to the States

I wasn't planning on visiting the states this year. I usually go home every 2 or 3 years. But can I say God, my family (all of them, even extended family), my friends and even yes even strangers, 
The whole reason for the trip was that last August, my youngest son Michael got engaged! Stephanie is wonderful! The wedding was fun! I am blessed with two great sons, Kristopher and Michael and two fantastic daughters (in-laws) Christina and now Stephanie.
Here are a few shots of the crazy, fun love packed adventures my 4 weeks in the states held!

And for all of you, that I was enjoying myself so much, I failed to take a picture, you are still imprinted in my memories!!!!
Thank you!!! Lots of love and hugs and appreciation!!!

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