Saturday, August 3, 2013

Learning to Celebrate the Differences!

When you are in transition, the differences jump out at you ... comparing it to how it was before and/or how it use to be. I however, have always believed it is best to focus on the things that are the same, it makes the transition a little easier than looking at what you are missing. 
But God is showing me that focusing on what is different gives me another dimension into Him; 
not on what I am missing, but on what is new and what can be exciting.
God's plan and God's creation is all different and all beautiful!!!
He first showed me in little discoveries of the world around my new home in Nelspruit.
This was a rose in a garden in a quaint shopping area!
A waterfall visited during our missionary retreat.
Nearby botanical gardens.
Prayer mountain where we stay when we have to be at the southern CarePoints for more than one day.

"The heavens tell of the glory of God. The skies display His marvelous craftsmanship."
Psalm 19:1

Ah! But He didn't stop there. He started showing me His greatest creation in all the new people I am meeting and experiencing. 

The new culture of Afrikaans for example. They are white Africans that speak a different language which is a mix of German and Dutch. Very different from Siswati, no clicks and a lot of back of the throat sounds in their words. I see their words on signs and have no clue on how to pronounce it correctly. They seem less open and excepting of Americans and it has been very intimidating to me. But I am starting to see them with new eyes. I see huge hearts and loving spirits and I am growing in a positive anticipation of  getting to know and understand this new culture a little better and make new friends.

Churches is another new experience. Visiting churches when you move is sometimes very overwhelming.
In the frustration of finding a new church home and none of them being like Swaziland, God has given me peace and joy. (It has been a process that I didn't welcome at first.) I now have a desire to use this rare opportunity before getting settled to experience different types of worship. 
Big and little, traditional and more modern, different "denominations", different ethnic mixes, different experiences. What a pleasant eye opener it is becoming! We can worship God in different ways but "agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one heart and purpose" (Philippians 2:2). I know He will show me where to plant myself but first I get to soak up the joy of worshiping Him in a variety of environments. 

Then there are the children and adults at our new feeding sites! Because I miss Swaziland, I want them to be the same as my kids there. And in many ways they are ... the language, the smiles and the love.
But we are not in Swaziland anymore. This is no kingdom. It is a government that in some ways is better and in some ways bring the traps of a society that has a welfare type system.  And regardless of it all, 
each child is different...

Each child is unique.

As we start doing sponsorship in South Africa, I am seeing new faces, new challenges and new opportunities to bring hope and the love of Christ to those who need His light, love and wisdom!
As people (maybe even you) help in sponsoring a child, 
(we have only 4 out of 444 sponsored so far and even more children to register)

we will work not on what we have done before or elsewhere but in looking at how South Africa is different.

Looking at what the needs of these communities are. 
Looking at how we can best minister beyond just nutritious meals for healthier bodies but in Bible based activities for eternal impact and in psycho-social training to improve the lives of each child and the community they live in.
"But forget all that---it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do a brand new thing. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness for my people to come home. I will create rivers for them in the desert!"
Isaiah 43:18-19
I am realizing for the first time, that I am excited about God using me in a new work. I trust His plans! I cherish how He grows me! I anticipate what the future holds!
"No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead."
Philippians 3:13