Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Getting ready!

My mind is whirling! What is it going to be like? What do I need to take? What do I not even need to save?

I'm going through all my "stuff" for my big, raise money, downsize my belongings yard sale! No closet or drawer is safe!! How do you plan for what you might need for 2 years (okay, I will probably be home for a visit somewhere in there). I can now get rid of all those things I stored away for those "just in case I need this some day" stuff like some neon green puff paint or the purple winter glove I can't find the mate for or the thousands (not exagerating) of seashells I have collected to do some project with. (I did kept a few.)

I'm excited about going and what God has in store but sometimes I find myself thinking about my sons, who say "You go mom!", "We thinks it's great!", "We'll be fine!". But it won't be so easy for them to bounce ideas and process decisions with me when I'm on the other side of the world. In going through the drawers I found a prayer I had copied down years ago:

"Be there, Father, in the moment of decision

when two paths present themselves to Kris and Michael.

Especially during that time when they are beyond my direct influence,

send others who will help them do what is righteous and just."


Thank you God for reminding me today that you understand my concerns and have it all under control! I'll take this with me just in case I forget! You are so awesome and I am so blessed!

"May the Lord bless you and keep you."


ashpuck said...

Wow Sandra, What a confirmation! I love to see God's will for our lives come into focus. Keep digging you never know what else you might find.

danohlerking said...

that's way cool. glad you're on the team.