Monday, March 3, 2008

I Believe in Miracles!!

I know I’ve been busy and blogs aren’t coming as regularly but don’t think that God isn’t at work. He showed up in miraculous ways while the women's team was here. The ladies worked hard and prayed fervently and as stated in the previous blog, the Spirit of God moved and celebrated as 22 cooks accepted Christ as their personal Savior. Later that day, the doctor on the team, Doris, was with our nurse, Teresa, at a medical clinic when a cook brought in a listless baby who was reported to have had several seizures earilier. Teresa said the child’s eyes had rolled back and the breathing was extremely shallow. Her neck was extremely stiff and the doctor feared meningitis. They decided rushing the child in the kumbi to the local hospital was needed but before they left, Doris, the doctor, anointed the small child with oil and prayed for God to heal her. Teresa reported the child then aroused and became more alert. They rushed her to the hospital where she was treated. Teresa saw her later and reported she was out of the hospital, that it had been some type of poisoning. This week Teresa saw her at the CarePoint and she was running and playing. Praise God!!
On Friday, during the medical clinic in Maphiveni, a mother brought her 8 month old baby in. The baby could not hold up her head on her own, sit up or roll over like other children her age. We urged the mother to take the baby to the city hospital and try to get physical therapy. She said she had taken the baby to the doctors before but they had said they didn’t know what was wrong. A group of the ladies from the women’s team prayed over the baby and her mother. How often have I overlooked the power of prayer? A little while later, Mandy, one of the team members who had felt a special connection with this child brought the baby back into the clinic showing how the baby was now holding up her own head!! God is so awesome!!
These miracles were powerful and happened fairly instantaneously but God is also moving mountains in more gradual ways. In my CarePoints in Mbabane (Oasis @ Swaziland) there has been an undercurrent of discord between the political and government agencies in conjunction with Children’s Cup. Apathy and lack of unity have been prevalent. But God has been working in the hearts of the community. I was at Fonteyn last week with the medical clinic and Teresa commented that the atmosphere was different. It was true. Not all the problems are solved but God has been knocking down a lot of the walls and a sense of peace and joy were present. Thank all who continually pray for Fonteyn and Mangwaneni, Mbabane (Oasis @ Swaziland). Your prayers are being answered.

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