Monday, May 4, 2009

Happy 5th Anniversary OC!!!!

Had a great time celebrating the 5th Anniversary of The Oasis Church yesterday!! It is so exciting that our Loganville church opened a Snellville campus (neighboring community) just 3 weeks ago and already over 30 persons have excepted Christ as their Savior!! Awesome!!!!Over these past 5 years, the Oasis Church has been instrumental in thousands coming to know Christ and/or rededicating their lives to God. I am so proud to be a part of this growth by serving and ministering in Africa. Below is a video to express the last year and a half since the Oasis Church began helping in Swaziland. I look forward in anticipation of what is yet to come!!
Thanks to everyone who has been supportive in this life changing ministry to hundreds of orphaned and vulnerable children in Swaziland Africa!!! The faces in this video are not just cute kids. These are the children that will be instrumental in changing their generation in positive ways because you reached out and made a difference!! You let them know that EVERY child matters!! You are helping break down cultural and HIV barriers!! You are sharing with them that we serve an AWESOME GOD!!! (Note: The white dots and squares on foreheads are stickers from teams who have visited.)

Songs are from Chris Tomlin's "Hello Love" album: "Love" and "God of the City"

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