Saturday, August 1, 2009

I'm Hungry

40 Days of Prayer WITH the Children started today. Today talks about hunger. I see it all the time, kids on the street begging for food. But I see it with a full stomach. In my quiet time today I was impressed to know what it feels like from the inside. I've fasted before but then my focus was always on God not the hunger. I tried to ignore the physical to concentrate on the spiritual. Today is different. I'm focusing on what it feels like to want; to want something to eat, to want what someone else has, to want to think about something else besides my hunger, to want to not go to bed hungry.
I don't like it and the day is only half over. If I had no hope that tomorrow would be different than today, would I be one of those digging through the garbage -- probably. Would I let someone bribe me with food for sexual favors -- I pray not but what if I had no hope?
I am so thankful that we are able to give so many children HOPE!!! That we are able to show the love of Jesus in a tangible way. We are making a difference!
But what if we stopped being able to provide the food. May it never be, but what if? Today I'm thinking of the what if in regards to only the food. I'm hungry! What if the children we serve had no hope that tomorrow there will be a hot meal for them? My heart is breaking. How can they think of anything else when they are hungry? Please pray! Pray for provision! The economy in the states is tough but God has not forgotten these children. May we be able to feed even more children next year!!! And may satisfying the physical hunger give us a chance to teach them how to fill their spiritual. Thank you for praying with me these 40 days and everyday!
“I will abundantly bless her provision: I will satisfy her poor with bread."
Psalm 132:15 (KJV)

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