Friday, July 15, 2011

My Inspiration

So often I get put, by some, on a pedestal for moving to Africa. Those that know me well, know that I am no different from any other Christian who hears God prompting them to do something and follows through. (Maybe I'm in Africa because I wasn't as good at hearing God's voice as I am here. . . where there are less distractions.) We are all called to trust God and obey what He has us to do during each season of our lives. I want to share with you a friend of mine who is doing just that and is blessing children halfway around the world from where she lives.

My friend is Patty Tebon. This is her 3rd trip to Swaziland. The first time she came to visit, she came to meet the sponsored child she had through Mission of Mercy at one of our CarePoints. On that trip, besides just raising the funds to come, she raised enough money for a CarePoint to have a slide & swing set. By American standards, Patty would by no means be considered rich. She just let God use her and followed through with what she felt God was nudging her to do and WOW!

God continues to bless this! Patty came out last year and brought a couple of suitcases of winter hats, gloves and blankets for the children at the CarePoint. She realized that the area, even though it is "Africa" gets cold in the winter and the children live in drafty, mud & stick homes. She also sponsored a second child with Mission of Mercy on that trip. Sponsoring a child is not an enormous monthly commitment but it is a significant one and one Patty takes seriously. She goes without cable TV or the internet so you can afford to sponsor a child. You can tell where her heart is. God keeps moving her heart for the children of Swaziland and she keeps obeying. When asked how she can "live" without having the internet, she asks "which child would you want me to give up in order to get it?"

This past year, Patty started collecting donations of blankets and letting others get involved in the ministry. She told me "God taught me this year that He is using me but I just need to get out of the way and watch Him multiply it!" She gathered over 2,300 blankets!!!!

It is one thing to collect the blankets but how do you get that many blankets over to Swaziland? For anyone who has tried to send me something in the mail, the cost has probably stopped most of you in your tracks. But God is sorting it!!! You might think to just send it with the people on teams who are coming over? Easy to say but Patty lives in Wisconsin and the rest of the team she was coming with were from North Carolina and Louisiana. But God is AMAZING and orchestrated people traveling through her area to the other states to distribute most of them and others donated money to pay for shipping and for Patty to have extra luggage on the flight!! The rest will come over later this year with the Back-To-School shipment. If you hear all the intricate details God worked out, your jaw would be left dropped open.

When Patty arrives in Swaziland, she just oozes love!!!! Her eyes light up and her arms open to give lots and lots of hugs! She was able to distribute some of her blankets herself at Moneni "Moe-nay-nee" and at Mangwaneni "Mahn-gwah-nay-nee". The children left warm with blankets and hats. Patty said "my heart when I am back in the states is still with the children in Swaziland. Americans don't realize how blessed they are!" But Patty is being faithful to what God has called her to for in this season of her life. She is raising awareness and providing for needs for the Children's Cup ministers to year round. She is an amazing, loving example of being God's hands and feet. . . and did I mention she has now sponsored her 4th Mission of Mercy child!!! Thank you Patty!!! You are an inspiration to me!!!


~kristi said...

I love it! Love you too! That is an inspiring story!

Anonymous said...

Love you and love getting comments! Thank you!