Saturday, August 25, 2007

Change in Plans

"The humble will see their God at work and be glad. Let all who seek God's help live in joy." Psalm 69:32 (NLT)

What a great verse for today! Okay, change in plans ---- I'm still going to Swaziland 8/30 but I will now be returning with the Oasis team and continue to raise support until 11/1 when I will return to Swaziland.

1) I personally need to raise more support
2) I can better be used these 2 months helping the Oasis with their Children's Cup Care Point promotion and support for me that was planned for October than to help the Swaziland office.
Now, for those of you that might think, why didn't the Oasis do it earlier, let me just say that I was originally scheduled to not be going to Swaziland to stay until 1/1/08 and the promotion would have then been before I left. Things then made a quick turn in late May for me to go earlier but there was no way to change the Oasis's scheduled plans. I was aware of that and figured I could raise my support through other churches and friends and family. (That did not produce enough to support me there yet, I have less than 25% of what I need monthly and less than 10% of what I need to get a vehicle.)

You know what's cool though in hindsight!!!! God is so awesome!!!! If I had not been planning to stay in Swaziland on 8/30, I would still be at my job with DFCS( I loved my job but it was immensely stressfull and all consuming) and I would not be able to do what I'm going to be able to do now in helping plan a spectacular Children's Cup promotion at the Oasis. (There is going to be a major community golf tournament, videos and pictures from our actual Fonteyn Carepoint with our team from this trip, lots of other things and me!) I don't have to miss it and hear about it by email, I will be a vital part of it.
I see this as such a preparation for me in learning more indepth about the workings of Children's Cup, about being a missionary and raising support and just raising the excitement here to "serve God" and watch Him grow others in ways they never expected!!!
For those who are already sending in their support. Don't worry, it's in the Children's Cup account for me to use when I get over there. I will be relying on my back vacation payout for these 2 months and I will be fine. Maybe God has a buyer for my house now! (but if He had done it earlier I wouldn't have a place to stay when I get back 9/9!) LOL!!

I hope this blog is an encouragement and not discouragement to you! God is still at work and I'm excited that I'm so excited about the change in plans! I pray to maintain a humble spirit.
"The humble will see their God at work and be glad. Let all who seek God's help live in joy" Psalm 69:32

P.S. The reception is still on for this Sunday 8/26 from 3-5 at the Oasis. It's just a drop in type of thing. My sons will be there if you have not made my fine "little" (22 & 20 years old) boys, Kris and Michael. Come give me a hug!!



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