Wednesday, November 28, 2007


First let me say my computer is working!!!! PTL
I want to share especially with those that went on the mission trip in September, that I got to go out to Fonteyn CarePoint for a devotional with the cooks. I know it is supposed to be summer here but instead of summer rain (it is now the rainy season) they have been getting a cold drizzle rain. It has helped the other missionaries feel like Christmas time. I can’t wait until the next team from the Oasis comes since they have my long sleeve shirts! So much for it being summer. Everyone tells me to just wait. It will be hot and sweaty again soon.

Anyway, I got to go with our other missionary Jackie who leads devotions regularly with the cooks at all the CarePoints and with Rodger who also works for Children’s Cup. He translates and does a lot of cultural interaction. He is really great.

Here are the cooks. Now in Swaziland you show respect by calling the women Make (equivalent to Ms. or Mrs. And pronounced mah-gay) This is Make Motsa & her son, Make Phiri (the cook that cares for Jabu) and Make Shongwe.

The teachers were also there. Mary (she will be visiting the US in Dec.), Soza and Kiki. There would be a picture but I have spent ALL day trying to upload these and it is not working. It was post it without or not post. I'm choosing to post. (I got it to upload!!! 12/5/07!!!!!)

Since it was cold and wet and after the feeding for the day, there were only a few children hanging around. They do remember the team and are waving hi to everyone in Atlanta.

1 comment:

ashpuck said...

I'm so glad your computer is back up and running. I check your blog everyday waiting to hear from you. I love the pictures and recognize a couple faces. I can't wait to hear about Boy-Boy Otis, take a picture of him and post it for me. Oh, and give him a hug and tell him I said Hi.