Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Today is not a holiday in Swaziland. Bummer! But Children's Cup is taking the afternoon off and the staff is going to Daran & Susan Rehmeyer's for Thanksgiving dinner. We have some turkey's, not as big as in the US that are being deep fried. I can't wait. I always wanted a fried turkey when I was in the states. We are all bringing the extras and should have mashed potatoes and a "butternut salad" should be interesting. I've already had a Kingpie which is a popular pastery enclosed sandwich with different fillings. It's as close as I can come to going to QT and getting a hot dog or taquita.
In keeping with the holiday these are things I'm thankful for:
Safe arrival here.
Knowing and having a support system here. (Teresa, Daran, Christy, Patrick, Zinty, Gugu and more)
The internet (I actually got to IM on line with my sons this AM, they were still up @ 2:30 am!!)
Your prayers and financial support that enables me to be here and stay safe.
That I have running water and food in my fridge and a comfortable bed to sleep on.
Having friends in the states keeping in touch with me.
For a more simplified life to enable me to focus on my relationship with my Lord and not get distracted as easily.
For what the future holds!!!
Have a great Thanksgiving!!!! "May the Lord bless you and keep you!!" Numbers 6:24

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