Monday, July 28, 2008

Life Isn't Always Pretty

Some weeks are harder than others. Sometimes we hurt people we love or they hurt us. Sometimes people we care about suffer pain and our heart breaks for them. Sometimes people we trust violate that and they make bad choices with horrible consequences.
That was last week for me. Satan strives to knock us down in many ways. What he doesn't know is that when we are down and on our knees we are more powerful than when we were trying to do things on our own strength.
I have offended my son to where he has shut off communication. I will pray for peace of each of us individually and as a family.
I have a co-worker who strived for a long time to get pregant and miscarried last week. I will continue to pray for comfort.
I have missionary friends whose home was broken into and valuables stolen. I will pray for them to replace their loss and not fear.
I have a co-worker who violated trust in a big way to where we now have to lock doors and take precautions. I will pray for discernment and to not distrust others.
I'm like others who struggle with anger, pride, helplessness and fear. But God is good and more powerful than the enemy. "For when I am weak then I am strong."
Joseph, in Genesis said "As far as I am concerned, God turned into good what you meant for evil." (Genesis 50:20) Joyce Meyers puts it great: "So often in our lives, Satan thinks he is doing some terrible thing to bring about our destruction, and yet God has another plan entirely. He intends to take what Satan means for our harm and work it out not only for our good, but for the good of the many whom we will minister."
Thank you for being patient as I share my struggles as well as my triumphs. I am richly blessed!


ashpuck said...

Hey Sandra, I'm sorry your week has been so hard. I really struggled this week as well. I'm glad you shared this. It's good to know that we aren't alone.

Tina Cooley said...

Thank you for your call this week. God makes all things work together for good for those who love Him. We just need to trust Him in every situation.
We all have them
Stay strong