Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Natalie Memories!

Natalie arrived last February for a 9 month internship and left to return to Lousianna yesterday. Normally I do not cry but I will have to admit that I have shed some tears as I let go of a dear one who has become like a daughter to me.
Last February she came to live with me in a whirlwind. In the first 24 hours of moving into my house she moved the bed out of the room I set up for her to the other room and took a living room overstuffed chair upstairs and relocated it into her room. That first week she rearranged my kitchen cabinets and would become agitated if anything was left out on the kitchen counter or if dishes were left unwashed in the sink. She saw me as intrusive overly nosey old lady. Needless to say we had to learn to give and take and understand how each of us communicated. (We did!)
The road was rocky (with boulders at times!) but I have grown to appreciate Natalie's joy and excitement for God and for what each day holds! (I'm also washing dishes more promptly.) Natalie learned to accept motherly love and concern and even has aked for my advice at times. I can't wait to hear what wonderful surprises God is yet to reveal to her in the future. I'm sure it will be exciting.

Love you Natalie! I'll miss you!! Hamba Kahle! "hahm-bah gah-(slur)thle" (means Go Well!)

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I love how you tried to write out the pronunciation for hamba kahle. Nice work. :)