Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Only 8 followers?

Okay, I know there have to be more than 8 of you following my blog! And 2 of the 8 are from the office here! All my non computer literate friends (and family) take the time to fugure out how to sign up so you can become someone who is "tuned in" to my blog and leave comments in the future. I'm sure someday I will say something you would love to respond to!
Another self serving note is that my son, Michael is coming to visit me here at Christmas. Yeah!! All those who might want to send a Christmas card or note or something off my wish list with him, can get it to the Oasis Church office by Friday the 5th of December. Please put the items in a ziplock bag so it's easy to through in his suitcase. Michael will pick it up from the church and be your personal postman to deliver it to me in Swaziland at no cost - what a deal.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! I will be having turkey here, they just aren't as big. Sweet potatoes are usually butternut instead. It is pretty much the same just a little different! But I am blessed to be here and thankful for God's goodness!! Thank you for keeping in touch with me!

"Enter His gates with thanksgiving; go into His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and bless His name. For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and His faithfulness continue to each generation." Psalm 100:4-5


Always Love said...

I can't wait to see you!!!!! I finally got signed up!! so I may post comments on occasion. Miss you a ton and pray for my last week and a half of school before I come see you!! Oh we have to try to ride a rhino! half the fun will be trying lol. hugs and slobbery kisses to my awesome African mom!

Sandra said...

Fantastic!! I can't wait either! Now that you are signed up, sign up as being tuned in! That will bring me up to 10!
Love, hugs and slbbery kisses!

Bethany said...

I am excited for you Sandra!!! Actually, I was thinking of sending cards to you all. This way will save me a little bit of postage on yours. Well, that is, if I can remember to mail it in time to get to the church. With school, that might not happen. Oops. Love you. :)