Thursday, September 27, 2007

I'm Homesick

I know you are saying "but you haven't even moved to Swaziland yet"!!
I'm not homesick for GA, I'm homesick to be back to Mbabane!! (I know, I read Christy's blog, in a few months I will miss GA)
Those who know me though, know that I RARELY, almost never, get emotional. I've been crying or on the verge of it since yesterday and have a deep, beyond my comprehension, desire to be over there already. This surprises me more than probably anyone else. I was sorting through photos in preparation of the Oasis @ Swaziland fundraising and wanted to hold and learn each of their names. To tell them they are loved and there is hope!

These children are the ones I will be working with. These children are the ones that if the funds are not raised I will not be able to minister to them. And these children are the ones that will not have the consistant food they need if we do not succeed in raising at least a year's worth of support by the end of Oct.
Thank you for supporting me in prayer and funding. I don't like not "working" meaning earning my own paycheck and having to ask others to be my "employer". But God has called me to be in Mbabane and has definately put the passion in my heart. In the physical, I don't see the financial numbers. My house hasn't sold and the current donations won't even pay the rent over there but spiritually, yesterday and today have confirmed that God will provide!!! He is so good!! Mbabane is my new home!!!
Enjoy these other faces that show "little is much when God is in it."

I did not start writing this to initiate funding but if you feel God stirring you to support me and these children; you can make donations to Oasis @ Swaziland 3275 Tig Knight Road, Loganville, GA 30052 and or click on the link for the Oasis Church. (Note: I am still with Children's Cup but the Oasis church is overseeing monitoring and supporting my finances.)
"Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it." Colossians 4:17


Jean Ohlerking said...

Your posts make me laugh and make me cry. And you make ME homesick for Swaziland.

I promise you: God WILL sell your house (don't worry about it) and your funds WILL come in (don't worry about it) and you WILL get homesick when you get there (don't worry about this either).

Alas, you are normal. We all get anxious to get on with it...but in God's time it all comes together.

And even the days after you are there and begin to wonder "What on earth am I doing here!?!" you can still relax in God's promises.

Just trust Him. And pray hard.

We are glad you are "on the team!"

Anonymous said...

You will be there soon and it will be amazing. Enjoy your time here, it will be missed.

So glad to get to meet you. Will be praying for you.


showstopper said...

We are looking forward to having you here...praying for all the prep!Zinty

Elysa said...


You don't know me, but I am friends with Barb Cash, Tim's know, the new pastor at OASIS in GA.

I was so excited to find out that their church is involved in loving children and their families in Swaziland.

I lived in Mbabane for two years in the 80's. I was on staff at Mbabane Int'l Baptist Church which is now, I think, Checkers Community Church? or something like that.

I have been back to Swaziland twice since then and my husband and I are planning on moving our family over there in 3 years to serve full-time.

I'm looking forward to hearing more about your ministry in Swaziland.

Praying for you this morning,
Elysa Harvey MacLellan