Friday, September 21, 2007

When in doubt, read the directions!!!!

My families and friends said to not be so serious and to laugh more.
Here goes, I will try to laugh with you instead of you laughing at me!

As most of you know, I live alone. I was given a smoothie blender and have been using it almost daily. I've had it for 2 months, I rinse in out and put in the dishwasher regularly but I was never able to get the base unscrewed to wash it separately. Now it was starting to bug me that there was "grunge" gathering underneath the rubber ring but I still could not get the base to unscrew. I tried everything. I soaked it in hot water, I used various grips and still could not get it to budge. I called friends for advice. (Actually I was on the phone for something else when I was trying to unscrew it for the 20th time.) I started thinking I was old and weak. My son, Michael, came home last weekend and I told him I needed his BIG muscles. He strained and dripped sweat. He had me hold the pitcher section as he tried to turn the base --- then . . .

As Michael was trying to get a new grip on it he said "Mom, it says to loosen turn it this way." I said no it is always "Righty tighty, Lefty loosey!" He said but the arrow points the other way. We then tried it the "wrong" way -- toward the right --- and, you guessed it; it came unscrewed!!!! It only took me 2 months to get that base off!. Stop laughing!!!! To my defense, those words were white raised letters on a white background on the bottom side of the pitcher. My girlfriend still almost fell to the floor laughing when I called her and told her.

Moral: Even when not in doubt, save time and read the directions!!!

I would have included a picture but I've misplaced my camera. I'll write again if I've stuck in the freezer or something. But to continue to help you laugh. Here is me trying to balance oranges on my head in Swaziland :)

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