Thursday, January 3, 2008


It’s the start of a new year! I know I don’t like to make New Year’s resolutions but when I think of what I would like to improve in myself in 2008 what would it be?
In 2007 I strove to trust God to work it out and lead me to the mission field since I felt Him leading me to become a missionary in November of 2006. And look, I’m here in Africa!! I don’t know how He worked it all out, but He did. By the world’s standpoint I should never have been able to get it all worked out to be over here. By the world’s standpoint and a lot of you, I’m just plain crazy. But I know beyond any doubt that I am supposed to be here is Swaziland, Africa. My goal last year was to prepare to come, physically, mentally and spiritually but what about this year?
This morning “The Word For You Today” devotional I brought with me from the Oasis Church, made me think of New Year Resolutions like “exercise”. It wasn’t talking about physical exercise which I admit I need to walk more after conquering Execution Rock :) but it talked about “walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called” (Eph.4:1). The devotion first talked about that “when we say yes to God, he imparts the ability we lack to perform His will. Note, the Lord doesn’t impart His ability first, then call us. No, He calls us, and as we step (walk) out in faith and obey Him, He imparts His ability.” So true!! How often have I not taken that step of faith and lost out on some amazing happenings. Last year I was able to take steps and God was true to His Word and imparted the ability for me to be here! Awesome! But what now?
When the devotion went on to talk about Ephesians 4:1 it said the word ‘walk’ “does not refer to some sort of meandering stroll. It means to stay in step with the Lord, to catch the beat of the Holy Spirit, and to move precisely as He moves.” What a picture that paints for me. When I was exercising by walking around the Oasis Church before I came to Africa, I remember trying to keep pace with Kathy and Jill, to stay in step. I love thinking of doing that with God!!! “Once you begin to walk to the rhythm of the Holy Spirit, nothing is going to matter as much to you as keeping pace with Him. You will find that the direction He takes you in is always the right direction, His timing is always the right timing, and the results you get are always the right results.” Awesome!! That’s my goal for 2008 and my verse I plan to memorize and hold to in order to accomplish it is 2 Timothy 2:15 Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth.” AMP.
I hope this has encouraged you to have a personal vision for 2008! You don’t have to be in Africa to walk with God. He’s everywhere. He just happened to walk me to Swaziland. My prayer is that I, my family and my friends will go to the next level with God (I’m starting to sound like Pastor Troy now). Step out in faith and challenge God to direct you where to go! Do you need to step out and shed fear, self doubt, pride, selfishness, bitterness, anger or do you need to not hold back but get into His Word or memorize scripture. Talk it over with God, He’ll let you know your own area. Email me or comment to my blog. Hold me accountable this next year to grow in studying God’s Word, not just listening to Troy’s sermons online (although they have been Spirit filled) or just reading devotionals or other studies but delving in myself. Have a Happy New Year, I know I plan too!


Tina Cooley said...

Thank you for your insight. Did you know that you can regress or even prevent Alzheimers disease by memorization. I first read on the list was bible verses then jig-saw puzzles then numbers, (PH.#'s,license,social security and acct.#'s) to name a few. I thought it was very interesting for the bible to be listed first? You know, I am right there with you on memorizing scripture. Although I won't call it a resolutuion, I'll call it a goal.

Scott Cabaniss said...

Very good blog Sandra. Memorizing scripture, which internalizes the message for us, is a very worthy goal. It seems you are settling in pretty quickly, which is a good thing. I can't wait to come back and do some more work at the carepoints. Keep the blogs coming, soon I should have a wall or at least a table set up as a common place of communication at the church to keep everyone connected to the Swaziland efforts. Keep up the good work and God Bless!