Saturday, January 19, 2008

They're back! :)

My monkey friends have been back! They always put a smile on my face when they come by. My friend Christy has named them the Popos family. She lives around the corner and they have visited her as well. Check out her blog, her link is on mine. The house diagonally behind mine has a banana tree with some green bananas they have been nibbling on. They have also been on my fence. One was on the front gate as I was leaving, didn't have my camera for that shot. Enjoy the pics. There are 2 in the tree in the left photo above, can you find them?

Update on my dad: Dad is progressing. He is still in the hospital but doing better. He had a heart cath. that said his heart is functioning well and the blood flow to it is well. His fluid level is down, which makes his blood pressure more stable. It looks like the new kidney has been able to get caught up with it's new body. Keep him in your prayers as he progresses. It's been a rollercoaster ride for him and my mom. He's now been in the hospital for 2 weeks and wants to get home. Thank you for all your support.


Tina Cooley said...

Thats neat God sends them to you. Are you afraid of them? They look a little scary.

Sandra said...

I probably would be scared if they came up to me but I even have to be careful when I take pictures not to scare them off. My pictures are usually taken from the window although I did go out on my veranda for the fence shot. If they ever approach me I will probably run back into the house. I'm not as brave as you think.:)