Monday, September 22, 2008


I just got back from a weekend women's retreat in Nelsbreit, South Africa. Thank you Julie and Julia for doing such a great job!!!
One of the things God impressed on me is to Dance with Joy!!! Now I love to dance (to the amazement of all my 20 year olds here), but I tend to be "on task" and not show excitement. I was impressed by God to start dwelling on my blessings to the point I can't help but Jump & Jive Overtly for Yahweh (for You Lord)!!! I even bought me a mug to remind me (I'm getting old and forgetful you know).
Out of the fun and JOY of it (and because I saw it on Christy's blog) please add yourself to my "Tuned In" section in the left column of my blog! (Followers sounded too vain).
Have a joyous day in all the blessings the Lord brings your way! Because even in the "bad days" there are blessings. If we focus on them, we find the day is actually not as bad as originally thought. In fact the trials usually bless us with a new found peace and joy in our God who loves us more than we can fathom.
"Now glory be to God! By His mighty power at work within us, He is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope." Ephesians 3:20
Isn't that worth dancing with joy!!!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I am not quite 20 but I admit, I was very surprised to find that you could dance and I couldn't. :) Oh well, some people have it and some don't- I just happen to be one of the don'ts.

Love the thing about joy and, for the record, you're not that old. :)