Sunday, September 28, 2008

Now Now

In Swaziland if you say you will do it "now" it usually means today, tomorrow or maybe next week, whenever you get around to it. If it is to be done immediately you say “now now”. Sounds so funny but how true it is with how I often respond to God.
Have you ever felt the urge to pray, acknowledge it and let it wait until you “get around to it”. I have. God has been working on me regarding this intensely, not just in prayer. I feel God is preparing me in some way. I don’t know if it is on a personal level or a CarePoint level (The Oasis Church team arrives here Friday), or with Children’s Cup (opportunities to reach and do more have been opening up), or with my family back home. I do know God has awakened me to pray several nights recently with no specific direction but "pray". He has revealed I am not “clothed enough” in knowing and claiming scripture. He has been impressing me to create a place of “sanctuary” (not clutter) in my bedroom to spend more intimate time with Him. And He is doing it with a sense of "do it now now".
So often those back home put me on such a pedestal for leaving America and coming to Africa. I’m just an ordinary person that obeyed what God said (that time). God probably won't put moving to Africa on your heart. Sometimes it is obeying writing a note of encouragement, signing up in a ministry at church or giving beyond your tithe to a ministry. When you obey, it makes you want to do it over and over because there is such a peace and joy and a sense it was what you were supposed to do (even if you don't know why). The problem is we (I) let the enemy whisper the world’s view of “you don’t have time”, “it’s too hard”, “let someone else do it” and we start not doing it “now now” until we never get around to it.
I hope this makes sense. But regardless, I felt God telling me to write this “now now” when I’m supposed to be getting ready for church. I encourage all who read this to go to The Oasis Church website and listen to Pastor Troy’s Wednesday night services 8/27 and 9/3 (this one cuts off before it fully finishes). If you were there, listen again if you haven’t taken your spiritual life to the next level. There is no time like “now now”. Have a glorious Sunday praising God!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now now is better than never never!

Honestly San- it's beautiful to see what God is doing in and through you... STAY WILLING!