Monday, August 4, 2008

Photo Diary of a New Classroom for Mangwaneni

Thanks to the Oasis church and their funding, Mangwaneni, Mbabane CarePoint has a new second classroom. For the first half of the year they squeezed the class into what was supposed to be the teacher's office/storeroom.This is what the grounds looked like back on April 15th:This is what it looked like after on May 15th, a week after digging out the side of the hill and moving the giant logs!May 21st: May 30th:

June 6th: June 12th:

June 17th Outside and Inside:

June 27th:

May 7th: Wow what some paint will do! Now it even matches the other building!

They moved in on Monday, July 21st and we celebrated on Friday, July 25th with prayer, bubbles, stickers, biscuits (cookies) & juice and of course singing and dancing. Christy led our prayer and our visitors from the states, Bethany and Janet helped with the celebration. Teacher Kiki, the teacher for this class, led our dancing and teacher Dora and I joined in. Thank you!! The kids were so excited! Wish you could have been here.


Jean Ohlerking said...

oh, you make me long to be there...

9 1/2 more weeks.

great pix.

Tina Cooley said...

Boy did that take some work. Another blessing WOW