Thursday, December 20, 2007

Monkeys next door!

Everyone says how "proud" they are of me. I think I'm the blessed one. How many of you get to say there are monkeys playing in the trees in the empty lot next to your house? Some mornings it is just a blast to live in Africa!!!

It doesn't happen every day but it was a fun treat last Sat. to find them jumping from branch to branch until Soza started mowing our lawn, then they ran off. I hope they come back again soon. I here that they aren't as common in Mbabne (the mountains) as in other areas of Swaziland.

That reminds me. Never complain about mowing your lawn. You have lawn mowers in the states. Here they use "grass cutters" but which are really weed eaters to mow the whole yard!!! What a pain, needless to say, we are having someone else do it for us.


About Us said...

The monkeys sound so cool! There is no grass to cut in GA; it's COLD! Everyone is well and things are great. January will bring lots of new things including the launch of the new website with a new look and lots of fun things to help you keep up with us here in Loganville. One of the best things will be that you can download Pastor's sermons online soon.

Take care! I'm excited about the Teacher Training trip in July. I'll write more later. Merry Christnas, my friend!

Tina Cooley said...

The monkeys are so cute. Are they loud? Are you scared? We don't have them here.