Thursday, December 6, 2007

Sad News

I had the sad task of going to Mangwaneni (Maun-gwah-nin-nee), Mbabane CarePoint (the Oasis @ Swaziland's 2nd CarePoint) yesterday to pray with and offer assistance to one of the young cooks there. She had lost her 15 month old baby that morning. The mother is only 20 years old. You can read more about the baby in Daran and Teress Rehmeyer's blog. A link is on my blog page und "Get Connected".

We feel so inadequate in comforting someone in such deep grief. One of the teachers there, Gugu Precious, is close and has been ministering to this cook, Gugulethu. When I prayed over her I let her know that the grief of a parent losing a child is one of the deepest one a soul can have and that God, our Father, shares in knowing her grief in that He grieved the death of His own son. I prayed that the peace of God would wash over her and comfort her especially when the pain is more than she can bare.

We will be helping Gugulethu with getting the coffin and some food. Children's funerals are very simple and small scale occasions here. When an adult dies however, the family who is grieving must provide food for all the guests who come to pay respects. It is not like in the states where the guests bring food for the family. To me it seems so harsh to have to be the one to give when you are the one with the greatest loss.

Be in prayer for Gugulethu as she tries to get through each day, one day at a time. Give the ones you love a hug and tell them often that they are loved, by you and by God.
"May the peace that passes all understanding, guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7

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